Attorneys can only adequately assist their clients when they have all of the information that they need regarding their clients’ needs. To that end, clients seeking protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code must complete several information sheets to the best of their knowledge and ability.
Our client bankruptcy information packets, as well as several other important forms, are included here for your convenience. The documents will open in their own browser window (free Adobe Acrobat Reader required).
The Document Checklist BAPCPA Pre-petition Compliance is a list of forms and other documents that we will need prior to filing your bankruptcy petition.
The Credit Counseling Agencies list is the U.S. Trustee’s list of approved credit counselors in the State of New Mexico. This is an abbreviated list. Here are the Law Offices of Ron Holmes, we endorse Debthelper ( and Dave Ramsey’s Debtor Education ( because we believe in the programs they teach and method they use to teach financial literacy.
Reviewing these forms is a requirement for anyone seeking protection under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
The forms in this section are simply that: blank forms intended for use only by Holmes & Associates, P.C. d/b/a Law Offices of Ron Holmes. Any other use by individuals or corporations is strictly prohibited. These forms do not constitute legal advice from an attorney, nor do they create an attorney-client relationship between any entity and Ron Holmes. These forms cannot be filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court as official Court forms. Please contact our offices to schedule an appointment with Ron Holmes to discuss these forms and your specific situation.
This packet must be completed by all clients seeking protection under Chapters 7 or 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Only download and complete the packet that corresponds to your personal situation.